• Cybersecurity

    Installing Tool-X hacking Tools on Termux, Kali or Ubuntu

    Tool-X is an Essential Kali Linux Tools for Hacking

    Tool-X kali Linux tools

    Tool-X Installer in Termux and Linux

    Tool-X is a kali-linux tools that is used for hacking, it is an essential tools that can be used by hackers to enumerate information during Penetration testing.

    Kali-linux unlike others like Ubuntu/Termux(Andriod Devices), Debian etc. are Operating Systems that are used by hackers to easily gain access to data, the reason to this is the fact kali linux and others have been made with some useful tools that make this process easy.

    Tool-X is a Kali Linux hacking tools installer for Termux and linux system. Tool-X is a kali-linux tools that is used for hacking, it is an essential tools that can be used by hackers to enumerate information during Penetration testing.

    Tool-X was developed for Termux and linux based systems. Using Tool-X, you can install almost 370+ hacking tools in Termux (android) and other Linux based distributions. Now Tool-X is available for Ubuntu, Debian etc.

    How Do I Install Tool-X on Termux, Debian, Kali or Ubuntu?

    Its quite easier to have this done, just follow the steps I would type below.


    Tool-X works on :
    1. Termux(Andriod App)
    2. Ubuntu
    3. Linux(Debian Based)

    How To Install

    Open your command terminal and type in the following sequentially.

    • apt update
    • apt install git
    • git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/Tool-X.git
    •  cd Tool-X
    • chmod +x install.aex
    • sh install.aex           #if this doesnt work use ./Install.aex

     How to Run/Use Tool-X

    Tool-x Kali Linux installation

    Type on the terminal Tool-X or toolx
    • (0): To install all tools
    • (1): To show all available tools and type the number of a tool which you want to install'
    • (2): Shows tools category
    • (3): Install Operating On Termux
    • (4): Update Tool-X
    • (5): To know about the creator
    • (x): Exit tool
    Choose any of the functions below to use the command you wish to run.
    Warning! Use this tool at  your own risk.

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