Become an Effiecient Programmer in Python
How to be Efficient On Python.
Python is quite a cool programming language, Very cool. Python can be used to do varieties of things; it has its application in so many “Fields”.Examples are
- Creating of database applications.
- Creating of applications.
- Creating and modifying a website.
- Creating of AI (Artificial Intelligence) programs.
- Used for Automation.
- Used to create Programs for hacking.
However, many of us must have started using other programing languages (but) we find Python easier and cool to use, that’s not the case, Python can be really easy to use it has some cool features and the only way you can be a good python programmer is “efficiency”, how can we use Python efficiently? isn’t that cool! If you are new to Python you really don’t have to worry as we have programming courses available for you, “You can be a very good python programmer in months, “this can only be determined by your “efficiency”, so you don’t have to worry! The rest of my article would cover how you can use Python and why you need Python as a Programming Language.
Python, as we all know can be used to design and make a lot of cool applications, it is one of the programming languages that is mostly used by hackers to create some simple tools e.g. Wi-Fi cracker, Port-Scanner, Access files and more. Since we know python is very simple to code, one of the attributes of python is “the ability to write little codes and can execute a large data, i.e. (you don’t need to write much codes on python to create a program), that’s why python is useful and it’s simple, we should note that before we can learn any programming language we can be faced with issues but that shouldn’t make us panic, as it’s always necessary for programmers to debug, One usefulness of debugging is the fact it makes you perfect and experienced.
My Code doesn't Work Why?
Yea, if you are new to programming and you face issues with errors during code execution, you really don't need to panic because every programmer faces this issues too. For you to become an efficient and a good programmer you need to learn how you debug errors in your programs, this helps you to efficient with coding. It's always normal to have these issues, but take your debugging more serious.
How to Use Python in an Efficient Way?
Since, we must have been familiar with Python and what Python does! It’s would look professional of us to be a perfect programmer in python that’s why I have compiled the following shortcuts commands for you to be able to use Python more efficiently.
Let’s start from useful Shortcut keys on Python.
Indentation: We might sometimes be writing codes and we try to execute these codes, but we get an error alert “syntax error” this is actually normal for every programmer, you don’t have to panic! when faced with bugs alerts during coding, because its normal to get these errors.
Mostly these errors are always associated with the (if or else) statements respectively, these errors could have occurred due to improper indentation of placing your codes.
To indent multiple codes simply highlight the content
Press Tab button
To Unindent code
Press Shift + Tab
Search anywhere in code: Simply use the double shift i.e. press Shift twice.
To comment/uncomment a bunch of code: Highlight the content and type the code below, (Windows and Mac users respectively).
Ctrl + /
Command key + / ----- (for Mac Users)
Quotation Mark on code: Highlight the content and use the code below.
Shift + ‘
Zip can be used to iterate over 2 lists together, i.e. this means, a way of combining two codes together to execute a command.
List method are codes in Python that can be modified and edited, it has some cool attributes and methods that helps users to edit there codes.
Examples of List Methods
Append: This can be used to add a code to your command .numbers = [1, 2, 3 ,4, 5]
Output [1,2,3,4,5,33]
process finished with exit code 0
Insert: This is also used to add code to you command but you can specify the index you want this code to appear.
numbers = [1, 2, 3 ,4, 5]
numbers.insert(2, 33)
Output [1, 2, 33, 3, 4, 5]
Process finished with exit code 0
Remove: This is used to remove code from our command, using the remove, we would need to indicate the number we wish to remove, why this is important, we might be having multiple codes and we don’t wish to stop the process of our command.
Use the command below.
numbers = [1, 2, 3 ,4, 5]Clear: is used to remove all the content in our program.
Output [1, 3,4,5,]
process finished with exit code 0
Please note that a List is differentiated with the use of square brackets [ ].
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