• Cybersecurity

    Why you need Firewall


    firewall security

    What is Firewall? 

    Firewall are network security devices that helps prevent, monitor and block any malicious connection noticed to take place in a computer. 

    A firewall is a set of protocol that keeps the computer safe, as we all know varieties of attacks or virus attacks that's exploited everyday on internet. A firewall helps to block these connections i.e Bob usually visits a website and a hacker tends to study Bob, the hacker knows Bob likes to visit a website he send Bob a Phishing link, Bob wasn't aware, he clicks on the link and it takes him to a malicious website, Albeit obviously the website is malicious but Bob didn't know and clicks on the website, exploit is successfully done on Bob because he doesn't have a firewall or must have disable his firewall. 

    How does a Firewall works? 

    A firewall obeys sets of rules sometimes based on the administrator(s) direction. It scans through a website to see if;
    1. Certificate is valid.
    2. Is not infected with virus.
    3. Check for Phishing links on website.
    4. Detect malicious codes or signatures .
    5. Detect Malwares hosted on the website .

    Why do I need a firewall? 

    A firewall is needed to help you protect your device from malicious attacks on internet, as we all know everyday we the Cyber Space is faced with different Malware attacks, One of the most effective ways of protecting yourselves is having a Firewall installed or activated on your system. 

    Firewall Block permission why ?

    Firewall should block permission whenever it detects a malicious website and if firewall gives you a warning not to visit a website or install a software, kindly agree not to. 

    Types of Firewall. 

    We have different types of firewall, and each firewall has its own functions. 
    List below are types of Firewall we have. 
    1. Proxy firewall. 
    2. Statesful inspection firewall 
    3. Unified Threat Management firewall (UTM) 
    4. Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) 
    5. Threat-focused Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) 

    Proxy firewall 

    Proxy firewall are the oldest firewall , it helps to block illegal or malicious connections between two networks ,it monitors the connection between a device and another network it also helps to keep a device safe from attack from another device. 

    Statesful Inspection Firewall

    This firewall blocks malicious connections by state, port and protocol. It monitors traffics and filter a connection. It also follows set of administrators rules.

    Unified Threat Management (UTM) 

    UTM firewall follows same protocol as Statesful Inspection firewall but it has additional feature an intrusion system that allows it to detect easily malicious sites. 

    Next Generation firewall (NGFW) 

    NGFW is an advanced form of firewall that has quite alot of new features added to Firewall technology, These also includes the following :
    • Advanced UTM firewall system 
    • Integrated intrusion system.
    • Ability to detect malicious websites easily.
    • Ability to detect malicious applications to be installed on system. 
    • Techniques to address security issues easily. 

    Threat-focused Next Generation firewall. 

    This firewall is the latest firewall to be used today,  majority of companies who uses firewall makes use of these firewall. It has some added features. 
    • Ability to quickly detect Malwares.
    • Ability to work fastly within a short period of time.
    • More features to added to ability of solving threats. 
    • Ability to prioritize threats.
    • More advanced UTM firewall. 

    Security Tips 

    Always make sure you activate your firewall.

    If you have anything to say kindly drop comment below.